Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Yes the famous kiss with ponies shot appears again. The couple are Gerald and Airika Pope, who I met out in Idaho. They are a great photographer team based in Seattle.

I got turned onto these photo embellishments by reading the Open Source Photo forum. This is a fantastic photographers forum to learn and share what's going on in the business, and to get tips from other photographers. I apologize for not remembering whose work I saw that intrigued me enough to check out these designs. The forums are so extensive. The company that makes these high quality digital designs is Little Dreamer Designs. Have a sweet Valentines Day everybody! BTW, my email is now up and running. The problem actually might have been me, still figuring out how to access my mail. Thanks to some technical support we are fully functional now, well at least our mail is-lol.

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