Friday, February 22, 2008

Chilly shoot!

We finally got some snow this winter. When I went out to shovel a path for my little photo project, I'd say that we already had 9" and it was still coming down.

So today's project (I don't know what possessed me) was to shoot a self portrait, in your favorite wedding attire while holding a single flower and (how goofy is this), you had to have a red heart on your cheek. Not my own brainstorm, but a photo contest being held by BluDomain, my web host. They are giving away a seat to a fabulous workshop called The Vegas Love Story lead by celebrity photographer Bob Davis. This is going to be a blast. It is actually the wedding of Samantha & Nathan. Samantha works at BluDomain and is also a photographer (who else could think up such a great scenario for their wedding day besides a wedding photographer). The details will be amazing, and the day after we are going to the boneyard at the Neon Graveyard to shoot several models against this surreal backdrop. This is the kind of workshop that I dream of. I only hope that it doesn't sell out before I can get a seat, contest or not.

So here's me freezing my butt off for arts sake.

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