Thursday, November 20, 2008

Flexing Your Creativity

Last night we had our monthly Pug meeting with record numbers of new photographers joining us. It must have been because
Carla Ten Eyck
was our guest speaker. Carla is an amazing woman. She's a wife, a mom, a super talented photographer and someone who constantly pushes herself to do better. If you get to know her a bit, you realize that she is a real "doer". Things don't just get written down on a list to try out at a later date, she just puts ideas into action before they have a chance to stale. I found her presentation and words so inspiring because I always have an ongoing list of things that I want to shoot, things that I'm passionate about. The reality for me is that I probably get to about 50% of them. I can feel so buried by all of the hats that I wear as a self employed woman. Carla brought up some very interesting questions that began to rattle around in my brain. I'm famous for saying, "put it on the list". Well maybe I will still keep a list because I'm forgetful, but I think that I will approach it with an organized mind and a selfish "just do it" attitude. Creativity is an action, an energy that expands. I love the expression, "What would you do if you knew that you could not fail". So thanks to Carla I have some serious questions to ask myself, not just today but everyday. So my house might be a mess and the yard could probably use some more clean up before the Winter really sets in, but today I sat at my computer and just tackled some of the projects that I've wanted to get to. Only a dent in the surface really, but I feel like I've had a productive day. I even found these two photographs of my son and his toys that I've wanted to do something with. I love to combine images that have a common denominator yet a strange juxtaposition. For the record these were shot in the Winter of 2007.

Boudoir is back

Now that the cold weather is setting in, it's a great time to get inspired to do a boudoir shoot for your fiance or husband. I typically come to your home to shoot you in your own environment where you are most comfortable. I always have a lot of fun with these shoots. They are very laid back. Depending on your personality, you may want something a bit avante guarde or perhaps more subdued. I try to work with whatever is comfortable for you. I am offering a special price on these sessions of $400 or $650 complete with a coffee table book. Please email the studio for more details.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Portraits at Maple Row Tree Farm

Last Sunday was a chilly day for two year old boys who probably don't have getting their pictures taken as top priority. After a couple of days of rain, the sky was rather dramatic-I love that! Maple Row Tree Farm is not yet open for their 2008 Christmas tree season, so I called and got permission to wander the farm with Anna and her boys. I love shooting in new places and I always have fun on a farm. Despite the cold, we got some good shots of the boys for Anna's Christmas cards this year.

The trees were gorgeous with the moody afternoon light.

A shot of Anna and her boys.

I have this thing for old trucks!

I loved this American flag that someone painted on one of the barns.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jeff & Aleksandra Barney Wed at New Haven Lawn Club

I've been looking forward to this wedding for a long time and it did not disappoint. From day one, Jeff and Aleksandra were a delight to work with, not to mention a very handsome couple to photograph. Their wedding took place at The New Haven Lawn Club. This is one of my favorite venues. Christine and Darin are both so helpful and the building itself is gorgeous. The grand ballroom has beautiful Lalique chandeliers and deco sconces. Jennifer from "Fleur De Lys", transformed the ballroom into such an elegant space with her tall floral arrangements and candles. Jennifer also decorates the front of the building and entrance hall. The flowers are always stunning. Ana Parzych created a beautiful and delicious cake that was classic and simple in design and accented the room decor. Lots of eye candy for me and a wedding that I was thrilled to be a part of. A big thank you to both the Kopacz and Barney families for making me feel so welcome. Congratulations Aleks and Jeff!

How smart to rough up your new shoes on your wedding day!

Jeff's brother and Best man dedicated a song to them, everyone loved it!

Heartfelt well wishes!