Friday, May 2, 2008

Blog Neglect

I've been an incredibly bad blogger for a while now. It just seems with the warm weather coming (Hallelujah!), there is a lot on my plate. I thrive in the warm weather but along with Spring comes a ton of yard work. I literally cringe when I look out at my property from my computer desk because I know that I should be throwing down some mulch, mowing the lawn or any of the gazillion things that could be done on 4 acres of land. A luxury problem most of the time,(I love living in the woods), but that's the issue-time! I just don't seem to have enough of it. Or sleep for that matter.

I shot some pictures of my friend Greg's art installation in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He is one of the most productive artists that I know and on the verge of a price explosion. The installations have to be seen in person to be appreciated. Some explicit graffiti here folks, so cover one eye if your offended by potty language.

Greg sitting in as part of his installation.

Why would this handsome guy put a bag over his head?

This is Brett who works with Greg to put up these amazing installations.

The weather was so nice this day that we moved the couch out onto the street.

The mailboxes in the neighborhood looked like part of Greg's show. BTW, I think that this show has been extended for a few days, so stop by and say hello to Greg and pick up some of his artwork while it is still affordable.

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