Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Still Recovering from WPPI

Vegas was amazing and a bit overwhelming as I knew it would be. It's such a great place to network and see the newest in products that are available. I also attended the "Vegas Love Story" workshop given by Bob & Dawn Davis. What a great team these two are. I learned so much, and since we shot an actual wedding, I have tons of images to edit before Monday to take advantage of Graphi Studio's generous album offer to us. There were more photographers (40 of us) than guests at this wedding. I met some super talented people that I know I will keep in touch with. This was my first year going to WPPI, so I was very taken with all the sights. So much fun, I'll definitely be going back next year. I still have a lot of images to process but I wanted to post some of the experience while it is still fresh.

I finally got to meet Jules Bianchi and her sister Joy for a sandwich shot. Check out Jules' new site Jules Cafe. I love Jules' work and was so happy to meet her after stalking her blog for a year.

The Blu Domain Soiree was one crazy party. I hear that there were about 500 guests.
We had to do the photo booth thing, several times I might add.
This is Samantha Lerner (our gorgeous bride from the "Vegas Love Story" workshop), Kenny Kim who was a huge help in putting this workshop together and a very talented photographer. (Kenny gets around, I've seen him at two workshops and a seminar, all within 9 months). Sarah Skow who I roomed with in Vegas. She won the free workshop attendance in Blu Domains contest and was so fun to hang out with. Check out her work here. Sarah is young, ambitious and talented. So cool to see someone her age with such a passion and drive.

I couldn't have been more thrilled when David Beckstead showed up as our celebrity guest photographer at the Neon Graveyard. I shot in a junkyard at his workshop in Idaho. Somehow we meet in all the classiest places. Oh but such eye candy. We even had a lime green Lamborghini against the backdrop of all these retired neon signs. Too cool!

Dawn Davis being the rock star that she is!

This is Nathan Boisclair, our groom. More to come about Samantha and Nathan!

Our brides for this workshop and day after shoot all wore
Stephanie James Couture. These are gorgeous gowns designed by Stephanie Kennedy. The dresses are all inspired by vintage gowns and are classic and fun at the same time.

It's crazy, but I got so few pictures of Bob and Dawn. This is just a point and shoot image. Bob and Dawn worked their little butts off to ensure that this was a successful workshop. Through real life trials, (it was an actual wedding) they handled it all with such grace and ease. I can't thank both of them enough for making the entire Vegas experience one that I will always cherish. Whew, lots to blab about! Wedding photos to follow soon.


joy bianchi brown said...

Cynthia! You are so talented! That shot of me and Jules in our Bianchi sandwich is hilarious. Nice GUM in my mouth!! ha!! Great meeting you too!

Cynthia Brown said...

Thanks Joy! I must say that meeting you both was one of my WPPI highlights!!! How cool is that, a California, Connecticut connection. So nice to speak with you both, I hope that our paths cross again soon!

XenDJ said...

Hello!! I loved finding your blog and getting a sneak peek of my wedding images. But i REALLY love our photo booth photos as well. How fun that party was and I love that I have some images with my wedding photographers. Will you email me a copy of this for my own blog?

Unknown said...

Hi I was just trying to find Nathan or Samantha. They took some really awesome photos of my family and we've moved several times in the last year. We have lost disk 2 and I am heartbroken. I want to BUY another copy of disk two and was hoping they could help. Altho we are now in Kansas City, I still have my same e-mail. Please help if possible!!!