Thursday, April 3, 2008


Shooting a destination wedding in Vegas was a dream come true for me. Samantha and Nathan are such a great, fun loving couple. Since they are also wedding photographers, they totally understand the value of freeing themselves in order to get fantastic imagery. As photographers they know that it's not always easy to be "the subject", but if you can get past that, and free yourself to live the fantasy, the results are usually spectacular. My motto is, "If you can envision it, you can live it". I try to utilize this rule in every area of my life, especially when I'm faced with a challenge. I would encourage all couples to really think through what they want from their wedding photographs. If all you need are straight forward group shots of your bridal party, then you have to know that your "Uncle Bob" can and will get those shots. If however, you are a willing party to some creative thinking, and able to give your photographer just a bit more time (or a day after shoot), your wedding collection will truly be an art piece. After all, it's your wedding day. You've never looked better, or had such a gorgeous location to have a party with all your loved ones present. So my suggestion? Go for it people! If you can envision it, you can live it! Samantha and Nathan did!

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