Tuesday, January 29, 2008

2008 Annual Photo Show

The New Canaan Society for the Arts has a photography exhibit each year. It is a juried exhibition, and has become a large, well respected venue. Last year two thirds of the entrants were turned away, and I saw some really inspiring artwork that did not make the cut. This will be my third year entering this show. The first year that I participated, Harvey Stein was the juror. He has a long list of credentials and is widely collected and published. Much to my thrill, I won first prize in the professional color photography category that year. Today was drop off day for artwork and we have to wait until Friday before we know if we made the cut. Anticipation is high and frankly out of the two pieces that I submitted, I'd be thrilled just to get one in.

Here are the pieces that I chose.

"Casey's Hairdo"

"The Wedding Night"

And one that I decided not to submit.

I guess the outcome will come soon enough, I'll keep you posted.

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